Sustainable cultural tourism: a new type of approach
Let us briefly analyze the meaning of “cultural tourism” and “sustainable tourism”.
Cultural tourism
The historical roots of modern cultural tourism are linked to the phenomenon of the “Grand Tour”, with which a completely new way of understanding travel develops in Europe.
Before then, trips were made for commercial, diplomatic, religious, or war reasons. Starting from the end of the seventeenth century and then throughout the eighteenth century, a time when the phenomenon reaches its peak.
The Grand Tour, on the other hand, takes the form of a pilgrimage from city to city. This is to say in search of evidence of ancient Greek and Roman antiquity and classicism.
The experience of the “great journey” serves to acquire the indispensable skills for members of the new ruling class.
But what are the important qualities?
Resourcefulness. Courage. Leadership attitude. Decision making ability. And not only that: knowledge of customs. Manners. Etiquette. Foreign languages.
Cultural tourism is created, as J. Ejarque, professor at the Sole 24 ore Business School, says, when a cultural product is added to the tourist service and in this case we will have a cultural tourism product.
Cultural is not always synonymous with tourism.
Sustainable tourism
Sustainable tourism is the present and the future of tourism for those who truly care about the world they live in.
It is the opposite of classic mass tourism. This means when the latter sees millions of people moving every year to the same “tourist destinations par excellence” whether they are on Lake Como, or in cities like Venice, Florence or Rome.
Mass tourism often generates tourist overcrowding (overtourism) which is harmful to the environment, inhabitants, monuments and local services.
Sustainable tourism aims to promote knowledge and enhancement of local cultures and traditions, while respecting the environment and the life systems of the host countries, territories and populations.
World Tourism Organization
The development of sustainable tourism, as defined by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) satisfies the needs of tourists and host regions. At the same time protects and improves opportunities for the future. It is a form of development that should lead to integrated resource management. So that all economic, social and aesthetic needs can be met while maintaining cultural integrity. Secondly essential ecological processes. Biological diversity and finally conditions basic for life “.
TettamantiRe and sustainable cultural tourism
The TettamantiRe Real Estate team wants to promote through this site, but also by supporting local activities, the promotion of Lake Como. Its mountains. Its villages through sustainable cultural tourism.
Not only luxury villas, but also villages with their narrow streets that climb the shores of Lake Como. As well as long walks on the crest of the Lariani Mountains, to discover hermitages or peaks from which to admire the splendid scanarios offered in every season.
Tourism is certainly one of the sectors that have suffered the most dramatic impact. Precisely because the mobility of people has ceased. At the same time the essential condition for the use of the service. This was totally denied by Covid-19.
Be different: be a cultural and sustainable tourist
We therefore hope that the promotion of our territory, with its peculiarities that distinguish it and make it unique, can again attract tourism as it happened before Covid-19.
From reading this site you will not only find luxury villas for sale or apartments in Como. TettamantiRe wolud like to show you curiosities. Likewise little secrets of our lake that will allow you to explore the wonderful territory of Lake Como as a cultural and sustainable tourist.
A beating hearts for Lake Como!
Pure emotions!